
How much will my Invisalign treatment cost?

 Your new Invisalign smile -uniquely yours

We appreciate that the cost of treatment is an important consideration.
Learn more about how your Treatment Plan is put together to meet your individual needs…

How do we work out the cost of your treatment?

Costs for your Invisalign treatment package are typically made up of several elements:

A Smile Assessment Consultation
A Clinical Examination often including X-rays
Invisalign Treatment Planning including an Invisalign ClinCheck
(the planned course of Invisalign treatment including the desired teeth movement and corresponding number of aligners that will be needed to achieve this)
Any pre-treatment work such as a course of hygiene treatment required before your Invisalign treatment can begin
Your Invisalign Aligners (the number of required aligners to achieve the planned teeth movement)
Treatment Monitoring Appointments (to check and monitor the progress of your treatment versus the planned movement of your teeth)
Retainers (at the end of your treatment to help keep your beautiful new Invisalign smile as intended)!
Any optional cosmetic treatments (such as teeth whitening and composite bonding)

All costs will be confirmed in a formal Treatment Plan normally after your Invisalign Smile Assessment. Your Smile Assessment will help us determine whether your teeth straightening needs are simple, moderate or complex. This in turn informs the number of aligners you will need and the costs will be largely based on this. Also included in your Treatment Plan will be ongoing appointments to check and monitor the progress of your treatment.

You will typically also need a full Clinical Examination (often carried out at the same time as your Smile Assessment) so we can understand any relevant oral health conditions you may currently have and if these need to be addressed before starting Invisalign treatment. This may involve x-rays. Please note that any “pre-treatment” work that is found to be necessary before your Invisalign teeth straightening can commence (this might simply be a course of hygiene treatment or a filling) will likely incur a cost.

At the end of your Invisalign course of treatment, we always recommend having a set of fixed or removable retainers for each arch we have treated. Your teeth are always inclined to want to return to their previous pre-treatment position so retainers are an important step to keep your new Invisalign smile in place. The cost of your retainers will be included in your Treatment Plan based on the best solution for your needs.

Also after your treatment is completed, many patients take the opportunity to choose further optional cosmetic treatments such as teeth whitening and composite bonding which can add that finishing touch to your new Invisalign smile! Please ask your dentist for more information about these options and any associated costs.